Bondages broken, health restored, relationships mended and much more… Let these true stories of God’s grace made real bring you hope.
Transformed By The Gospel, Father Saved
I have lived a miserable Christian life for many years. I was taught I had to do good to make it to heaven and was never taught about grace. The harder I tried, the more I failed. I have been married and divorced three times. I’ve felt embarrassed and felt like a failure.
Excellent Health Report, No More Confusion Over God’s Grace
I was saved at the age of fourteen but struggled with rejection, ridicule, confusion, loneliness, and failures for many years. I sat under legalistic teachings that caused me to be self-occupied and to believe that my salvation depended on how well I could keep God’s law. This only perpetuated sin in my life.
Blessed With A Good Job And Enjoying A Grace-Filled Family Life
I have been listening to messages by Joseph Prince since March 2010. I had never been exposed to grace teachings until my family and I came across Joseph Prince’s messages. We had a “born again” experience once again by hearing and reading Joseph Prince’s messages and books.
Set Free From Severe Mental Oppression
I got born again about ten years ago, and it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. For many days and weeks after receiving the Lord, I had unshakable peace and a joy I had never felt or known before. A weight had been lifted off me. I would read my Bible every day with my family and rejoice in God’s Word.
Delivered from Stage 3C Lung Cancer, Received Christ
A few years ago, I was diagnosed with stage 3C lung cancer that had spread to my lymph nodes and caused them to grow very large. The tumor was 8.5 cm by 5.5 cm in size. The doctor told me I should quit my job and get my affairs in order. The news and treatments turned our world upside down. I had chemotherapy and radiation every day for 45 days.