I was raised as a believer but was taught some limiting beliefs. I believed if I was trusting God for something and sinned, spoke negatively about it, or got in strife with someone, that would end my “faith walk” of trusting God for my breakthrough, and I had to start back at square one. I also believed that if my breakthrough took time or wasn’t happening, it was because my faith wasn’t enough.

When I got married, my husband struggled with these beliefs too and didn’t enjoy listening to the preaching. He didn’t believe God loved him personally or that God wanted to bless him, so these teachings didn’t help either.

Then, I started to listen only to Pastor Prince’s sermons instead of mixing law and grace teachings. This changed our lives forever! My husband was delivered from an anabolic steroid addiction and our marriage was completely turned around.

As I pressed in to listen to Pastor Prince’s sermons constantly, the Lord gave me wisdom concerning my problems with severe vertigo and panic attacks. I got off the pills that turned out to be causing the panic attacks and received physical therapy that helped with the vertigo.

I also had a business I didn’t enjoy. As I began listening to Pastor Prince’s sermons about hesed wisdom over and over again, the Lord led me to sell my business. The process flowed so smoothly, and my business sold for way more than it was worth!

Even though these blessings helped us a ton, we struggled financially for almost 4 years. It didn’t matter how much money we made, we still didn’t have enough to cover our bills. It seemed like every dime we made ran through our fingers. Then, Pastor Prince began a sermon series on true prosperity. I was so excited, I thought, This is for me!

Pastor Prince started to talk about tithing. At first, that was not what I wanted to hear. I didn’t want to tithe and couldn’t understand why God wanted me to give from the little I had just to be blessed. I asked the Lord for a revelation about tithing as Pastor Prince said not to give unless we received a revelation about it. After listening to his sermon again and again, the light bulb in my head went off, and I was so excited to tithe. As we began tithing, I noticed our bank account didn’t run dry as fast.

My husband, who worked for a school district, received news that he was going to be laid off for the summer. He received a job offer but didn’t feel led to take it. But because I was worried about money, we decided that he should take it anyway. It turned out to be a mistake, and he had to quit because his employer lied about almost everything.

For the next couple of months, we were so stressed out and could barely afford food. We almost lost our apartment and cars but the Lord kept telling me to rest in Him. I would listen to sermons but then try to fix our problems myself by applying to hundreds of jobs for my husband. I kept trying to rest but it didn’t seem to work. During this time, the Lord still provided random blessings and miracles that helped us get by financially.

One day, I listened to Pastor Prince’s sermon “Five Words to Live by—The Battle Is the Lord’s” and felt an overwhelming peace. I realized my rest is found through listening to the Word and that the Lord would fight for me as I rested. We decided to continue tithing and about 2 months later, my husband received an amazing job offer!

Now I have learned to completely rest in the Lord for our finances and we are prospering! We didn’t have any savings for years but now we have money in the bank just by tithing and letting God provide. I realized that whatever challenges we faced, the Lord would always lead me to spend more time listening to your sermons, and our breakthroughs would come.

Today we walk in health and divine provision and are so thankful for your ministry, Pastor Prince!


Anonymous  |  Illinois, United States

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