I grew up in a Christian household that gave me a firm foundation in my love for our heavenly Father. But that foundation gave me no power and as I grew older, I became frustrated and uninterested because I saw no change in my life. I always felt I was missing something.

I left church and moved to Georgia, where I met my husband and had our daughter. A few years into my marriage, I came under an intense attack. Fear, anxiety, and thoughts of death followed me around day and night. I would cry and shut myself away from everyone. It was debilitating at times. All I could do was pray in the Spirit and resist those thoughts and feelings that I knew were not from God.

After a few months, I began to feel the heaviness lift a little and the attacks became less intense. However, thoughts would still creep daily to bring fear and sometimes I would suddenly wake up from my sleep with startling thoughts and fears.

I continued praying and also began reading everything I could on freedom from oppression and fear but nothing helped me completely. After six years of crying out to God for answers, I came across Joseph Prince’s Destined to Reign Devotional book. I was hesitant to read it at first as I had read so many other books before and found no help or answers. However, there was this little nudging inside that kept urging me to read the book.

The first time I read it and learned about the gospel of grace, tears streamed down my face. Finally, I knew this was what I had been missing since childhood. I always knew my Savior loved me, but I never knew the price He paid for me. I never knew all my sins, ugliness, and guilt were laid on Him at the cross. I never knew His finished work was perfect, and I’m completely forgiven—past, present, and future.

I began to dig deeper into Pastor Prince’s teachings by listening to sermons online, watching his television broadcasts, listening to podcasts, and reading all his books. Little by little over six years, I began to experience freedom. The nagging fears and anxieties left, and I began to see myself loved, protected, and provided for in every area of my life.

I began to see my children as loved and protected under the wings of our loving Father. My husband also began to hunger for the truth of God’s Word and joined me in reading Joseph’s books and watching his sermons. He now wakes up early to spend time with the Lord. We have witnessed miracles in our company, and our marriage has also deepened into a stronger and sweeter one.

We are not perfect but we have learned that even in those moments when we are weak, God’s love doesn’t waiver. He still sees us in Christ and as He is, so are we in this world. Whenever I feel stressed or anxious, I will say under my breath, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ my loving Savior!” We now live life unafraid as we rest in His unfailing grace and love.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your boldness in following the Lord as He has given you this revelation of His Word. Your ministry and family are always in our prayers.


Anonymous  |  Georgia, United States

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