About a year ago, I was diagnosed with psychosis (a mental condition characterized by a disconnection from reality) at the age of 29. It was one of the toughest times as I was hospitalised and unable to return home to my family.

This affected not only me but also those who love me. The doctors couldn’t fully explain why, and neither did I understand; it caught everyone by surprise. I just felt so lost in sorrow, in darkness, and trapped.

There were so many things that happened to me in the hospital that, to this day, it still feels surreal. My memory of it is vague, but I remember crying and screaming every night in the hospital and sometimes needed to be sedated. What kept me calm was the Word of God. I would either have Pastor Prince’s sermons playing in the background or worship music plugged into my ears. I even remember sharing it with other patients and nurses too. Some patients who heard it even left the hospital before me!

In one of the sermons, Pastor Prince was preaching about the importance of singing hymns. In that message, there was a doctor who went into a psychiatric ward and sang “Jesus Loves Me”; the patients started singing too and were healed and discharged!

Then, my partner reminded me that I was singing the same hymns in the hospital, and I realized God was with me every step of the way. I felt guided through the valley even though I had no control over my own mind. I thank God that eventually I was discharged, with all medical costs covered!

I continued to recover from psychosis by attending New Creation Church every Sunday. I am grateful to Abba Father for placing me in such a good church, for the anointed messages preached by the pastors, and for so many people who were praying and caring for me.

Today, I am free in my mind, have a good-paying job, a loving partner, and a church community by the grace of God. And most of all, my mind is redeemed by the Lord.

Through this, I experienced how God loves me personally, wants to take care of me, and is the God who answers prayers. He has indeed brought me out of darkness into His marvelous light!


Anonymous  |  Singapore

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