Health & Healing, Righteousness, Restoration, Relationship with God, Family & Relationships, Emotional Well-Being No More Oppressive Thoughts, Living Life Unafraid

I grew up in a Christian household that gave me a firm foundation in my love for our heavenly Father. But that foundation gave me no power and as I grew older, I became frustrated and uninterested because I saw no change in my life. I always felt I was missing something.

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Righteousness, Restoration, Relationship with God, Career & Studies, Family & Relationships, Overcoming Guilt & Addictions, Emotional Well-Being, Condemnation Enjoying Renewed Relationship With God

I was born into a Christian family where we had daily prayers and Bible study. Since childhood, I was taught to read and memorize the Scriptures religiously. Growing up, I was an introvert and didn’t have many friends. As a result, I didn’t have anyone to share my happiness or sadness with. I also didn’t share my distresses with my parents as I didn’t want to trouble them or be judged by them.

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Health & Healing, Righteousness, Provision, Emotional Well-Being, Condemnation, Holy Communion, Finances Cancer-Free, Medical Bills Paid For

Late last year, I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. I went through the darkest time in my life filled with fear and was depressed. I blamed myself for not going to get checked by the doctor sooner.

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Health & Healing, Righteousness, Relationship with God, Family & Relationships, Emotional Well-Being, Condemnation, Holy Communion Free From Condemnation, Enjoying Relationship With God

I believed wrong and therefore lived wrong for a long time. I am forty years old at this point of writing and only came across Jesus’ truth and grace two years ago through Pastor Prince.

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Health & Healing, Righteousness, Relationship with God, Overcoming Guilt & Addictions, Emotional Well-Being, Condemnation, Holy Communion Freed From Sexual Addictions

I had been addicted to pornography and masturbation since I was a young child. I grew up in a Christian family, and our local church preached Jesus and the law. As a young man, I understood something of Jesus’ love for me, but I always thought God was angry with me because of my addictions. I thought I had to live right before God would love me.

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