I believed wrong and therefore lived wrong for a long time. I am forty years old at this point of writing and only came across Jesus’ truth and grace two years ago through Pastor Prince.

All these years, I struggled with condemnation. Inside me was a voice convicting me of how much better I could have been. I would wake up at night sweating and shaken and getting panic attacks.

I went around looking for help but encountered wrong teachings. I was told the problems in my life were a result of God’s high calling on me. I tried to rise up to the calling but was pathetic at every level of effort.

The mixture of the two testaments produced painful experiences like incurable diseases, bitterness, and debts. And just when I thought that was too much to deal with, I found out my baby’s father was a man separated from his wife but still married. It soon ended with that being my fault, at least that’s how I felt. Life was hard and painful, and I never thought I’d see the light of day as every day was dark.

But two years ago, GRACE rewrote my life. I don’t usually watch television but one morning, I switched on the TV and came across Pastor Prince. I couldn’t help but listen to his preaching as I had never heard what he was saying before. I cried throughout the sermon and when Pastor Prince led us in prayer at the end, something happened to me. There was a sudden light in the room, and all I know is that something heavy on me was removed. My baby’s constant high fever, tight chest, and block nose were all gone. Today my daughter and I are alive, well, and kept by grace through partaking day and night of the holy Communion.

I now believe Romans 8:1–2 that says I am not under condemnation because of Jesus. I also believe I am a new creation and the righteousness of God in Christ. Hallelujah! All honor and praise to my Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. Amen!

Blessings to you and your family, Pastor Prince.


Anonymous  |  South Africa

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