I had been addicted to pornography and masturbation since I was a young child. I grew up in a Christian family, and our local church preached Jesus and the law. As a young man, I understood something of Jesus’ love for me, but I always thought God was angry with me because of my addictions. I thought I had to live right before God would love me.

The more I tried to stop, the more the addictions returned. I felt that everyone had their lives together except me. I thought I was not good enough. I have been divorced twice, and my addictions and anger were why my ex-wives left me. I felt like a complete failure.

I found Joseph Prince’s teaching online while looking for sermons to help me. I now receive encouraging emails regularly, watch all the grace messages daily, and listen to Joseph’s CD sermons in the car. Slowly, I have come to realize that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I am right with God because Jesus paid the price on the cross. He loves me, and His plan is to bless and prosper me in all things.

I partake of the holy Communion often and remind myself of the healing power of Jesus’ sacrifice and how His shed blood makes me clean before God. I have now been released from the bondage of pornography and masturbation and have peace.

I thank God for the grace ministry of Joseph Prince and the wonderful praise reports that are sent in that have given me hope. I also praise God for everyone involved in this ministry. Thank you.


Anonymous  |  Australia

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