I along with many of my colleagues, had been laid off due to a large-scale restructuring of the company that affected many employees globally.

Everyone, including our managers, was in shock because this came without warning. However, amidst the shock and panic, I strongly felt the Lord's peace within me. A sense of calm and joy also enveloped me during that time.

Later that day, I broke the news to my wife, and she was very understanding. Like me, she also felt God’s peace when I told her that I had been laid off. Together, we encouraged one another and held on to what Pastor Lawrence Lim had shared before: that God is always good, regardless of our circumstances, and that having a good opinion of God is important.

I started applying for jobs. I submitted applications for over 14 jobs but sensed that the working culture of those places were not suitable for me. However, a close brother-in-Christ approached me and told me about a job opening that he thought might be a good fit. So, I decided to apply. Throughout the application process, I felt the Lord’s favour over me, making the process feel light and easy. In the end, I was offered the job with a 55.53 per cent salary increment! I knew that this was the Lord was telling me that it was because of His unmerited favour that I got this job offer.

I have since started working in my new job where I have supportive colleagues. Work has also been restful and full of God’s favour.

Furthermore, I began this new job three months after being laid off. This meant that the four-month severance pay from my previous company became a two-month bonus for me.

Thank You, Jesus, for always being good! The Lord always has a good plan even when we cannot see it. All glory goes to the Lord!


Anonymous  |  Singapore

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