I have been a believer since 1976. However, I was taught about the conditions needed to be righteous and holy, and the more I tried to fulfill these conditions, the more I failed.

I sought approval and love from people because I was rejected by my father when I became a teenage mother. I also desperately tried to seek God’s approval, only to fall miserably short time and again, with my marriage ending in adultery and divorce. Roots of condemnation took hold of my life despite how sincerely I sought to change myself. I wanted to be a good wife and mother. I felt like I was on a raft without a paddle on a rapidly flowing river.

Even after my marriage was restored, my husband and I were still rooted in condemnation. I taught Sunday school, mentored young women, and got involved in prayer movements. I thought that the more I tried to please God—prayed longer and confessed every sin I was aware and unaware of, God would change my situation.

This only made my life messier, until I hit a brick wall and thought I could not go on.

Then, in 2011, I began reading Destined To Reign. I was so hungry I devoured the book and got almost every one of Pastor Prince’s sermon CDs. They were like oxygen to someone who was suffocating. To think that believing wrong about God’s grace for so many years had caused such bondage! My mind was set free of religious lies and I’ve never felt so excited and free to hear from the Holy Spirit for myself!

My husband and I are seeing God restore our hearts, relationships, and lives. We are learning that God is greater than our circumstances and that our sins have all been paid for. Now, we know how to recognize the enemy’s lies and condemnation. And we know that God is always for us—a gift we cannot earn or lose.

Both of us have enjoyed partaking of the Holy Communion together daily for two years now. It sets the tone for our day and is changing our lives.

I’m falling in love with Jesus more and more every day, and am discovering how absolutely undeserved God’s grace is!

Thank you so much, Pastor Prince, for sharing revelations about Jesus and His finished work!


Robin Blitchok  |  Michigan, United States

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